Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Wednesday is by far the most boring day of the week. I don't have anything against Wednesday or the Germanic god of the Anglo-Saxons in the 7th century known as Wodan (Hail, ye Gods!!) - but that's where the term originated from. Wēdnes dæg to Wednes dei to Wednesday now, was the day of Wodan!

I wish it was my day!

Every Wednesday I wonder, "Why can't we jump directly from Tuesday to Thursday?" Does there have to be a Wednesday every week?! It is enough trouble alright to get through a Monday but then, we have the freshness of a weekend just gone by pushing us through Monday and even Tuesday. On Wednesday, we have.....nothing! The coming weekend is still a good two days away and the last weekend is a good two days old! So what the hell am I supposed to do on a Wednesday? A couple of extra shots of caffeine while dragging through the local business daily wondering why the hell my shares in DP World keep crashing?! That was the biggest freakin IPO the region has ever seen - 'a safe investment', 'will provide liquidity to the DIFX', 'this one just can't go wrong' predicted analysts, and the shares are trading at 50% of the offering price!!! And why aren't the dimwits at the contracts team processing my ordering documents? I have the end user and partner breathing down my neck. Who are to blame if I miss my numbers this fiscal?

I blame it on Wednesday!!! But, hey, hail, ye Gods!!! (Not risking annoying any one of 'em. Can't afford to have a couple of gods pissed off at me....not now atleast!!!!) ;)


Iya said...

oops.. u sound irritated...
well i kind of like wednesdays as personally i feel it is the most productive day of the week...for me maximum work gets done on wednesday...

Masood said...

Well, Wednesdays have been a pain since as long as I can remember!
Believe it or not but my most productive day is Friday!!! Usually folks take it a little easy that day but I thoroughly enjoy it...

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