Monday, September 15, 2008

Diversity at work

I work under a Moroccan manager with Russian, Indian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Tunisian, Pakistani and Swiss colleagues, Filipino sales assistant and a Sri lankan office boy in an American company located in the Middle East!


mindspace said...

You are therefore living my bank's value of being truely international!! kudos!

aShyCarnalKid said...

Nice . The epitome of Globalisation , eh ?

Masood said...

@Tara - And very soon it will be you as well :)

@Kislay - Yeah, tell me about it. And this is just my team!!

Iya said...

haha..thats awesome...Oracle should use that in its next globalization campaign...and u better charge them heavily for that...

Masood said...

Haha. Yes, I will render my services for a premium. But I think I am weird. I praise my employer!!! Don't know too many who do that.

mindspace said...

me too.. just cant think of how my next employer would be :)most of my ppl think i will get a trf wherever i go... touchwood!